Blessings — 15 coins each

Discard/demolish a unit inside your opponent’s castle.

Witch’s Tornado

 Gain a copy of any Potion from Tier 2.

The Mad Alchemist

Select 2 cards from your discard pile to add back to your hand.


Discard a card/unit the opponent plays (can affect spells, coins cards, and attack units).


Reveal all your opponent’s hidden units and deal 10 direct damage to their castle.

The Night Watch

Angelic Summoning Circle

Summon Angel as a special defence in one of your lane defence zones, with healing effects every turn and upon its death.

Charlatan’s Charade

Announce a card that has not yet been played by your opponent - when your opponent plays that card, heal your castle by 15 health points and gain 20 coins.